All posts by JT

WebDevStudios Gives Back!

This holiday season, we (mostly our Project Managers, Cristina and Jaimie) spent a good deal of time deliberating the best way to celebrate the holidays as a distributed team. In a stroke of genius, they came up with the idea to have a ‘competition’ to see which Team at WDS could raise the most money for their respectively chosen charities. We on “Team Scream” consider our jobs to be “dream jobs” so we thought, wouldn’t it be cool to give the gift of code to kids who want to learn? Team Scream is partnering with, an awesome non-profit that uses your donations to give free computers to children enrolled in programming classes with one of their partner organizations. Please consider donating (and getting more information) here.

It wouldn’t be right this holiday season to not mention the amazing projects the other WebDevStudios teams are representing, so…

The amazing charity the “A-Team” is partnering with is
Team Maintainn is requesting we help them Maintainn Net Neutrality. (I see what they did there!)

I hope you’ll take a minute to also read and consider donating to their projects (as much as it pains me to recommend you help their team :), I think the end result is more valuable).

The WordPress community is incredibly generous. We have helped Justin Tadlock get a house, Gary Jones get a new computer, we’ve helped pay JJJ’s wages so that he can work on BuddyPress, bbPress, & GlotPress on our behalf for the next 6 months. Heck, we even helped Andrew Norcross get a new coffee maker after his was invaded by some inconsiderate ants. In the WordPress community, we have a lot of things going for us, and in turn, we like to give back wherever we can. I hope you’ll consider giving a few minutes and a few dollars to a few worthy causes that are outside of our WordPress bubble, and help us to ‘pay it forward’!

p.s. Read more about the competition on the WebDevStudios blog.

Wanderers – a short film by Erik Wernquist by Erik Wernquist
By: Erik Wernquist
Vimeo URL:
Vimeo Description:

For more information and stills gallery, please turn to:
(Just in case my website runs slow, here is a link to an imgur album version of the gallery:

Wanderers is a vision of humanity’s expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like, if it ever happens. The locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos and map data where available.
Without any apparent story, other than what you may fill in by yourself, the idea of the film is primarily to show a glimpse of the fantastic and beautiful nature that surrounds us on our neighboring worlds – and above all, how it might appear to us if we were there.

VISUALS – Erik Wernquist –
MUSIC – Cristian Sandquist –
COLOR GRADE – Caj Müller/Beckholmen Film –
LIVE ACTION PHOTOGRAPHY – Mikael Hall/Vidiotism –
LIVE ACTION PERFORMANCE – Anna Nerman, Camilla Hammarström, Hanna Mellin
VOCALIST – Nina Fylkegård
THANK YOU – Johan Persson, Calle Herdenberg, Micke Lindgren, Satrio J. Studt, Tomas Axelsson, Christian Lundqvist, Micke Lindell, Sigfrid Söderberg, Fredrik Strage, Johan Antoni, Henrik Johansson, Michael Uvnäs, Hanna Mellin

NASA/JPL, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio, ESA, John Van Vliet, Björn Jonsson (and many others, of which I unfortunately do not know the names)