Had the awesome opportunity to baptize my oldest daughter, Mia. Of course, I barely made it through it. Love this girl.

Had the awesome opportunity to baptize my oldest daughter, Mia. Of course, I barely made it through it. Love this girl.
So I made a site for Mia. We created the Twitter account when she was young to document the funny things she would say, and I just set her up with a Pressgram account to post pictures she takes on her mommy‘s phone. All photos, photo edits, and photo captions are her own.
My oldest daughter, Mia, is starting her first day of kindergarten today. I suspect this fact coupled with Miley Cyrus’s, ummm, performance at the VMAs last night, has made me especially contemplative over the current state of Cyrus’s life (as well as a bit emotional). This article by her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, from 2011, is especially sobering.
I probably don’t need to worry about astronomical fame or anything like that, but there are definitely some parenting principles to be gleaned from their story.
“Fools learn from experience. I prefer to learn from the experience of others.”
― Otto von Bismarck
in keeping with the current Twitter trends, we have begun a Mia Twitter account to account for some of her crazy antics and cute quotations. Follow her @MiaRaeSternberg to keep up too!
Mia… i couldn’t have said it better myself….
“And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and ¾ percent guaranteed.)”
She walks around talking to “gamma” and “ganpa” on the “pone.” She makes us “cockee” in the mornings. and she has a “happy to you” for somebody nearly every day. Sometimes she treats us… she takes her babies and goes to “malmart,” and the park, and on her way home she stops to get us “i-peam” (icecream). She tells us, “i dance cumiks” (i dance to the music). i know.. she’s cute. :)
Check out some really cute pictures of Mia! One year old today!