After 5+ years, last Thursday was my last day at WebDevStudios, and needless to say, it was a sad one. I’m going to miss working with those guys/girls, who have become practically family, and they are, truly, an incredible team. 3 years ago, I wrote a post, Why you should work at WebDevStudios, and I still stand by that post. If you are looking for a great job in the WordPress space, you would be remiss in not considering applying with WDS.
I am leaving on really great terms, and am even seriously threatening to crash their next #WDSCamp. I have also bantered some ideas around with Brad, Brian, and Lisa individually about possibly working together in the future on different projects, and I’m very excited at that prospect.
So, the obvious question, why am I leaving such an awesome place? The simplest answer is, I’m ready to take my next step, and for me, that next step is freelancing. This isn’t a decision I’ve come to lightly, and is one I have been weighing for quite some time. This is going to be a huge change for me. While I had freelanced before starting with WDS, and have a bit since, this will be first attempt at full-time freelance work and trying to earn a living (I have a wife and 3 kiddos!) off of it. I’m exhilarated, but also, obviously, a bit nervous.
So that being said, I’m available for projects, starting immediately! If you know of any WordPress projects needing a senior level developer, please hit me up. I will be operating out of my DsgnWrks business, and would love to take any inquiries at my contact form (or hit me up on Twitter). I have experience in a variety of areas (just ask!), am a tenacious problem-solver, and can provide plenty of references and code examples!
As a parting thought, I will forever be grateful for WebDevStudios, and especially to Brad and Brian, for taking a chance on me in the beginning, when I was some house-painter guy from North Carolina with barely any experience, so thank you guys, and thank you to WebDevStudios for over 5 awesome years! And wish me luck for the next 5!
Congratulations. You’re crazy. Welcome to the club. :)
I know! And thank you!
Good luck dude!
Thank you Jay!
Good luck man, wishing you much success!
Thank you Scott!
Good luck JT$! We’ll always have San Francisco…
Good luck, Justin!
Thank you Ryan!
I had my first omg-post-jtsternberg moment last week when I had a question about a CMB2 thing. ;P
We were always sort of trains passing in the night, breezing by each other on our separate paths and never getting a chance to really work together and I regret that but I’m glad for having known and met you at WDSCamp. Good luck with freelance and family and here’s to taking over the world!
Ha ha that’s an accurate description of our time together! Feel free to hit me up on Twitter with CMB2 things, I’ll be around. Also super glad to have gotten to meet you and hang out, and hopefully we’ll do it again at some WordCamp in the future. Thank you for the encouragement!
Wow man, so excited for you! You’re going to do great man, can’t wait to see what comes of it. ?
Thank you Christopher!
Best of luck Justin! Freelancing is hard work, but can be extremely rewarding. Thank you for all your contributions while at WDS!
Really looking forward to seeing how things play out for you and wishing you and your family all the best moving forward!
Thanks a lot Evan!
Congrats and welcome to the club. Just submitted a request for quote on your website and included the scope of work. Look forward to discussing.
Thanks Peter! Unfortunately I don’t see any new form entries. Did you submit here: