I’ve been thinking a lot about my use of social media and my bookmarks. There are so many articles, videos, quotes, etc that I want a record of that’s in an organized fashion. For a while, I’ve been using this blog as a way to store my favorite internetty things. I have a few IFTTT recipes that automatically post favorite videos from youtube and vimeo, and favorite tweets from twitter.

I think I’m going to take that concept to the next level and save groups of information about a certain topic to categories.. or maybe a tag. I’m not sure yet. This way I can keep track of the things that are influential to me for topics like the Affordable Care Act, or issues around gun control, etc.

Like most of the content on this site, this probably doesn’t interest you, but it’s going to be a great resource and reference for me as I parse issues and want to discuss them with others.

And hey, maybe you’ll find something here that you can bookmark/tweet/share/talk about, etc.