Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Car

This is our new car everybody!  We’ve had it about a month now i think, and we absolutely love it.  It has 4 doors, and a really convenient hatch door for loading groceries and stuff.  Anyway, Hope you like!

Blogged with Flock

Hey Everyone

Alright… i will post more pictures soon…. Definitely in about a month, when there’s a new addition to our family.  Speaking of new additions to our family, i feel like i just lost a family member as my mac laptop was STOLEN!  yep, stolen….  Anyway, so i’ve had to take some time to set up my other computer to work again the way i need it to, but it’s pretty much there.  Now i need to get around to getting the pictures off my camera.  Soon enough i’ll jump back on the bandwagon. :o)

Blogged with Flock

Well, we went to Meagan’s doctor appointment today and we got to see what it was… or should i say what she was.  Yep, God, in all His sovereignty gave us a girl.  i wonder if he realizes that the boy vs. girl teams are gonna be pretty one-sided?  So i anticipate Mia (ours), Reagan (Phil and Hollies), and Maleah (Corey and Monica’s) are gonna be pretty close.  Noelle will be the bossy older cousin.  :o)  Pray for us because we’ve never done this before… and i wanna do it right.. ya know?

Blogged with Flock

Amazing Honda Ad

i got this courtesy of my mom… check it out!

“Take a peek at this Honda Accord Ad. Be sure to read below first. Then
click on the link at the bottom…A really amazing demonstration of

There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in the film.
Everything you see really happened in real time exactly as you see it.
The film took
606 takes. On the first 605 takes, something, usually very minor,
didn’t work.

They would then have to set the whole thing up again. The crew spent
weeks shooting night and day. By the time it was over, they were ready
to change professions. The film cost six million dollars and took
three months to complete including full engineering of the sequence.

In addition, it’s two minutes long so every time Honda airs the film
on British television, they’re shelling out enough dough to keep any
one of us in clover for a lifetime. However, it is fast becoming the
most downloaded advertisement in Internet history. Honda executives
figure the ad will soon pay for itself simply in “free viewings”
(Honda isn’t paying a dime to have you watch this commercial!). When
the ad was pitched to senior executives, they signed off on it
immediately without any hesitation – including the costs.

There are six and only six hand-made Accords in the world. To the
horror of Honda engineers, the filmmakers disassembled two of them to
make the film.

Everything you see in the film (aside from the walls, floor, ramp, and
complete Honda Accord) are parts from those two cars. The voiceover is
Garrison Keillor. When the ad was shown to Honda executives, they
liked it and commented on how amazing computer graphics have gotten.

They fell off their chairs when they found out it was for real.

Oh. and about those funky windshield wipers. On the new Accords, the
windshield wipers have water sensors and are designed to start doing
their thing automatically as soon as they become wet. It looks a bit
weird in the commercial.”


Blogged with Flock

Well, i guess it’s time i put the big news on my semi-neglected blog, huh? Ok, well…. Meagan’s pregnant!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO! Everyone pray for her and the pregnancy, and that God will keep them both safe and healthy! Thanks!!

Hey Everyone. Things are going great. Unfortunately my camera got dropped in the ocean so i can’t update with pictures for a while. :o( Guess that’s what happens when you take your camera to work with you every day. We’ll be visiting Minnesota for Christmas, so we’ll probably see most of you then. Happy Holidays, and Merry Christmas. Oh, and EVERYONE go see the Nativity Story. It’s awesome! ok, good nite.

hey everyone! it’s been a long time, i know. At least i have an excuse… my computer crashed! Yep, so i’ve been pretty busy trying to get that up and running again, and with work and everything, it’s just been pretty busy. i haven’t even gotten the pictures off of my camera from MN when we visited the 22-24. Anyway, i’m starting to get caught up, so i’ll post some pics in a few… Stay tuned…


Ok, here’s some more nonsense for you…

Test for Dementia

Below are four (4) questions and a bonus question. You have to answer them instantly. You can’t take your time, answer all of them immediately. OK?

Let’s find out just how clever you really are.

Ready? GO!!! (scroll down)

First Question:

You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are

absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!

Try not to screw up in the next question.

To answer the second question, don’t take as much time as you took for the first question.

Second Question:

If you overtake the last person, then you are…?

Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST Person?

You’re not very good at this! Are you?

Third Question:

Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only.

Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000

Now add 10. What is the total?

Scroll down for answer.

Did you get 5000?

The correct answer is actually 4100.

Don’t believe it? Check with your calculator! Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question right?

Fourth Question:

Mary’s father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini,

4. Nono.

What is the name of the fifth daughter?

Answer: Nunu?

NO! Of course not.

Her name is Mary. Read the question again

Okay, now the bonus round:

There is a mute person who wants to buy a toothbrush. By

imitating the action of brushing one’s teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is


Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of

sunglasses, how should he express himself?

He just has to open his mouth and ask, so simple.