If you haven’t seen it yet, go read through the
#YesAllWomen hashtag on Twitter. It’s so sobering and a sad reality that we need to stop being naïve to. As a father of 2 girls, I want all of you to raise your sons to respect and honor women. As a father of a son, I am 100% committed to do the same. My son WILL honor your daughters.
Category Archives: Life
Operation Desk: DIY desk and shelves
I decided to build a desk since the prices of nice desks are astronomical, and since I wanted it to be a custom fit for me. I knew I wanted more desk space, but didn’t want to necessarily build a giant desk, so I opted instead to build two side shelves that could serve as an extension to the desk. This is super convenient if I ever needed to use the desk in a smaller location or if I wanted to position the shelves differently.
Since it’s a style i’m familiar with (and like), I decided to build it using a similar technique to how I built the media cabinets, and the tv stand. The main difference being that I wanted to stain this piece, so would need to have a better solution for the nail/screw holes. I ended up buying a pocket hole jig from lowes, and that solved the issue (almost) perfectly. Since pocket holes aren’t quite as strong, I had to do some additional reinforcement on the desk legs to keep them straight.
I had a few mishaps along the way and not everything lines up perfectly, but overall I’m really happy with how this project came out. Below are some pictures of the project in progress, and completed.
Because no DIY project would be complete without before pictures. ;)
Phase 1: Build it
Phase 2: The finish
Phase 3: Putting it all together
Probably 5 too many pictures, but what the heck.
Gratuitous details
Thanks everybody!
@Jtsternberg Happy birthday fella :-)
— Gary Jones (@GaryJ) January 19, 2014
@Jtsternberg happy birthday! pic.twitter.com/z3hxrrqgXd
— Ryan Instead (@twittle_me_that) January 19, 2014
@Jtsternberg have a great day, love you!
— Ryan Instead (@twittle_me_that) January 19, 2014
Happy cake day Money, @Jtsternberg
— Captain Macho Pirate Mick Rackham.yarr🏴☠️ (@tw2113) January 19, 2014
@Jtsternberg happy birthday dude. A lot of good things said about you this weekend :)
— Scott Bolinger (@scottbolinger) January 19, 2014
Happy birthday to @Jtsternberg, who’s taught me a thing or two at work. Great guy all around.
— Jay (@OneFineJay) January 19, 2014
Happy birthday to the Sternbergenator @Jtsternberg!
— Brad Williams (@williamsba) January 19, 2014
DIY media cabinets/book shelves
DIY TV stand
The most important thing to know about staying fit is this: If it takes willpower, you’re doing it wrong. Anything that requires willpower is unsustainable in the long run.
— Scott Adams, “Read this if you want to be happy in 2014“
Joseph’s Dresser Repaint
DIY doll house for Mia
DIY Macbook Pro Laptop Stand
$50 for this? looks nice, but common!
How about making my own?
YES! i can do that…
So here it is. i’ll update this post when i get around to painting it.
Ok, i got around to painting it… kinda gave it an aged look… to match the whole apple experience.
Ok, the last part was a joke.*Update #2*
Ok, for the ultimate finish, thanks to a donation of two fans and a power adapter by @sr_tirado. Check it out!
“Southport version of Extreme Makeover”
For the last week, we have been renovating Vic & Cindy’s master bedroom in anticipation of Vic’s arrival here. He lost his job in MN, which is a bad thing, but is a good thing because he gets to move here to be with his family. We wanted to do this for them, because we appreciate them so much, and to give them a haven to get away from all the “young people.” Since they always take care of themselves last, we knew their room would never get done, unless we did it now. And it’s a good thing… the room started out bad, and was only getting worse with the addition of miscallaneous things that didn’t belong anywhere else. Here’s some “before” pictures.
the couch was a new addition to the room… you could say it’s what pushed us over the top…
After we started moving stuff…
room between bathroom and bedroom.
Ok… enough of that… now for the “After” stuff!
first, pictures:
Master Bedroom
Master Bath
And the video “reveal”